Monday, February 15, 2016

Master of Fluid

Its in my belief that an individual who spent his years, infinite years or infinite in comparison to the life span of a normal man. If a man had 200, or even 1000 years could have the time to study in depth from many angles and foundations such as physics, anatomy, psychology, music theory, astrology could conquer the dragon which is the soul. My greatest fear in this conquest is as what Fredrick Nietzsche proclaimed the death of god. For this is the reason one man cannot ever do this alone in his own secluded study for countless years as we would believe would be the most efficient and proper way.
Each man will find this own way the roots grow. The the complexity tree root systems on a scale of a grain of rice in a field large enough to fade from view. When billions of these minds roam the earth it is the way we find the soul by each becoming fully devoted to out own unique paths. No two roots will grow the same. No two minds will ever be 100% equal. As from long ago till today we share fractions and replication of ancient faces or things we can identify and as we can identify them we can assign them personality. Spirits, Jinn, lords and gods. The force of living power. The translucent snake or flame that flows you into every moment of your memory that you can remember was pleasant, exciting, or simply right with everything.
That which cant be named is the unique vibration that seeks to always better you. The quake of the earth to loosen the rounds. As it can be expressed in shivers, shakes and a filling of the whole body as air travels inside you and fills you from your fingers to your toes.
It is also to my understanding that the many levels spoke about by C.W. Leadbeater are not truly floors with definitive lines and a distance filled with something much less tangible than the walls themselves. Our observation of the spiritual sky scraper with the ground floor or beneath street parking garage being your underworld or hell and the penthouse laced with luxury was heaven. And the floor beneath the penthouse was those near equally in righteousness but perhaps more humble. So on to the level above the parking garage of hell we see a persons who in some respect we can say is a better man or woman based off some respect. We try and identify with the vision that we transcend floors as we grow in some way, whether it be personal mental development, finding ones heart with community service or finding yourself in faith. Another grand possibility is climbing through these floors is a evolutionary process. A Darwin guided, plan without a paper guiding us to holy and higher places over long periods of time where our own individual endeavors into life and the full realization of god, love or energy into your bones is not lost with the death of the individual. His or her actions and experiences expand our scope of reality. In some ways you can say that by learning what other people have learned and seeing how complex life is. Its always right on the bleeding edge.

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