Friday, May 29, 2015


I rest in pleasurable state, very so tiny the sensation as it moves to consume my whole being. The very faint vibration deep inside my soul, physical yet touching into something both higher and lower than where I am. My cells, my molecular structure, the very atoms made of light, made of energy collaborated from the remnants of long dead stars but yet very much alive inside of me. The world around me, the social aspect of life seems unimaginably small in comparison to the raw materials my body, after trillions of micro transitions from one state to another falls into place and I get to experiance life as just another transition of the trillions of bits of matter I am. Deep inside me I feel it swirl like the center of our galaxy with energy and materials all following behind in long trails trying to keep up with the rate of my sensation. In this feeling there is a motion, behind my thoughts there is a motion. For the moment to happen and for me to express the sensations inside my body there must be motion, a cause and effect that set me in this temporary existence. I as I am a collection of things, brought together for only a short time was the effect of a cause. Our entire race and every living thing before it is an effect of a cause, no matter how natural or artificial their conception. There is a reason living things exist in a reality where the vast majority of what does exist is lifeless. Lifeless in the sense of organic organisms with language and sensory nervous systems. But what if there are much lower standards to define life. What if things we thought to be still and lifeless before could be looked at as very much alive when perceived differently.

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