Tuesday, December 9, 2014

To be a master.

To before the best at what I washy to be there is much I must study, practice and become. There is so much I need to learn and master. Subjects that are built around the improvement of life. Through health, fitness, education and spirituality. There is a plethora of information I require to master and become the being of enlightenment I wish to serve my fellow man with. I have few personal desires I wish to fulfill. My writing, my story of ages, pain, reconciliation, ascendance and a vision of a new world. It's my vision of a hard long part filled with life to a better world where people can change and let go of when the worst of themselves, where everyone has the power the change, and the power to love. In all that I want to master I try hard to remember that I can't force myself on these subjects, I have to want them from my heart for if all I do is from my obligation to myself no part of me will benefit from the knowledge.

The Dark Place

Take a deep breath and get ready to fall, we won't be coming back this time.

Rain of Fire

I stood like a mountain over trees, as the sky fell all around me in a fiery blaze. She lie next to me holding on by a thread she told me it was beautiful and she thanked me. We gazed into the sky as it all burned away. She was right, it was beautiful. The rain would fall, forever it would fall because I brought it down. I pulled heaven to earth and killed everything in between.