Wednesday, July 27, 2016

I have now realized that the composition of myself isn't have or in quarters. The first three quarters being with me. The methods that I write the programs that I design the way that I sculpt my figure by person. It is all a results of watching. Watching the natural flow or the spirit Within Me. That spirit being. I watch this thing I do what it says I have thoroughly convinced it's convinced myself that it is me and it is what breathes me. What's like being possessed by something it moves about its own will without my interjection. As I feed it and as it grows my happiness my awareness my value of life and many other facets at which I can say I enjoy my life more seem to grow. So my first instinct is to allow it to grow completely unhindered. Removing many layers of anxiety secrets trauma to increase the sense of confidence as confidence is The Shield at which you hold off the disruptions in your own forces resonance and growth. Once The Shield is built the last thing to be made is the clever trick of making money off of the natural Instincts of the spirit. Much like a doctor would watch a patient and document at what time does the day certain hormonal levels blood pressure another of various measurements of the client's body and health would be made and at what times the frequency until 1. Space and much like any other profession or research watching an animal. Getting the something that comes naturally and watch what you do documented very finely and see how you can Progressive.

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