The faith and culture creates a bubble of closed off reality where god exists and rules over their lives and dictates violent and disgracful actions against their fellow woman and fellow man of different faith. But something else must be said before I continue is that the Islamic and Muslim cultures are not the only ones I feel this way about. Call me a bigot, call me ignorant, racist or rude. I think of all Yahway worshipers the same way. I think the same way of all and any peoples of any culture or faith that would harm brothers and sisters in the human family because of laws set by a book or being that has no creditability. The only creditable laws of life are the laws in action in the unthinking world. Law is a creation of man, books are a creation of man, as so is god. The god named in such books and the god who is said to set such laws. It is all noninnocent falicy or innocent misinterpritation. Either way the pain endured by those who lives are emotionally, spiritually and physically in shakles because of gods law is actually a person set in shakles by his or her fellow man and this digusts me that it is all done in the name of god or faith. I find this reason enough to completely overlook any good faith has given, wether it be the reason for rehibilitation, reconciliation or stand in place as father to parent and punish the rambuncious children that is man. These are not reason enough, a cure is not a cure when the side effects are disasterous compared to the sickness.
I plea that these faiths can be seperated into parts and people can be educated about the origins so they may realize what the follow is not old, is not true, and is not law. The gods, books and laws they follow are not enternal and the dirt and rocks they stand upon and the dust of stars the body is made of is much older than the laws they constrict lifes growth with.
This is utterly sickening to me. Life is life, it has absolutley nothing to do with a divine being or governing force. The idea of court and law again was a invention of man to try and install fairness in trial. Which in itself has been a failure many times. I will admit this is a cure to a sickness where the side effects can sometimes be overlooked. But know these side effects are ignored at great expense, and sometimes at the expense of human life. Sentance of death without crime.
This is another reason the ideals should be learned from and left behind. How many times, if there were a paradiso and inferno, man who have not harmed another man or woman. Who had never spoken ill of his fellows and treated his family, live stock, home and community with love and generosity but sleeps with a woman for with whome he is not married should find his place in the enternal inferno. Fortunatly inferno is not the place this man will find himself after his time in the living body. I find great happiness in showing the christian that the men and women they damn will slip right through the prison bars they wish them to rot in.
Marriage is again, a creation and law of man. Created for the purpose of greed and mans knewly realised thought construct of possession. Possession is an interesting wuality for our minds to develop in such a fluid and ever changing existance. But we as people exist in a world that is mostly solid while also mostly fluid. We rest in the balance of the two, but since we are land creatures we learn and build or minds based on the way the land works. Those are the true laws of the now. The laws of the land, or as you will physics. The laws of water and sea are also physics but a rational mind can put together how one cannot form the idea of possession living as a fish in the sea. You have no arms so therefor you cannot grab onto things, everying you can possess is only temporaty because its was food, you ate it and you will soon pass it. Things you remembet being once place often move seemingly all by themselves or taken away by the current. Thats the whole point. In water the current is fluid and everything changes, on lang things are equally fluid but much slower. Just slow enough for our minds to have the time to process and lesrn from it. The way we remember where home is based on landmarks and so on.
Life in itself is a perfect balance of land and waters laws. Life is fluid, it flows in and it flows out. It is always present but not in the same place, time or thing that it was before. To place enternal claim, through life and death on a fluid entitiy is very silly. Like trying to mark off a part of the sea all to yourself. Its silly.
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